Monday, December 5, 2011

Socks that don't rock...

Well I had a stupid moment at the yarn store this weekend when I went to get some yarn for my MIL's christmas socks. Needless to say I am now alternating rows with something else. I hope it looks ok in the end! My moms wrap is drying, I should have measured it before I blocked it, oh well. I have KAL socks that just have one cuff done, then a hoodie I need to make my new nephew, and a hat I've been dying to make myself. Ugh I told my husband the knitting factory isn't taking any more orders right now until I'm caught up. Oh and Elizabeth needs a new hat. I'm tired tonight but as soon as little miss goes to be its hopefully getting halfway down the foot on the first MIL sock....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Knitting the day away....

Today I am hoping to finish the wrap I'm making my mom for christmas. I'll post pictures up here since I can't put them on Facebook because she goes on there, and we can't have her sneaking a peek now can we??? Yesterday I received my first order from Eat.Sleep.Knit. They are super fast at shipping and you get a yarn Lotto scratch off with each order, how cool is that! And I won a $5 store credit. I put up a link on the right to them go visit them, often!!!
I got a workout in this morning, a bath, and now to knit until Elizabeth gets up. Happy Day to you =)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Beginnings...

A lot has happened since I have blogged last. I've gotten married, had a baby moved from VA to NY then to WA, and had my world turned upside down right side left and sideways. I used to design Jewelry under my maiden name of Gerner. Its been almost 4 years since I've had anything new published, and it was a nice creative break. I pulled out my supplies last night for the first time in 3 years and was excited. A spark flickered in my head (corny sounding I know but its true). So I'm going to organize everything and give it a go I've also thanks so my "big sister" Chris took up knitting. Its a new found love and very relaxing.
I've also taken up couponing a little too. No binder for me, just my little $1 plastic organizer from Target. Enough about me check back for updates, maybe some useful info, and maybe a laugh or two...